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First Questions to Ask When Approaching Russian Women

A photo of a beautiful Russian woman in a pink sweater standing on the side of the road, with a white car passing behind her
Know how to approach Russian women before dating them. | Photo by Max Titov on Unsplash

If there’s one thing you should know about Russian women, it’s that they are very particular about how you approach them for the first time.

When approaching women in general, you should always know how to start a conversation. There are certain Russian dating rules you’ll need to acquaint yourself with before you can expect to be part of a romantic relationship, which is why taking note of how you engage a Russian woman will increase your chances of getting her to go out with you.

On many occasions, men simply think that whenever they compliment a beautiful woman, she will already be impressed. This might be true for some, but the Russian dating scene says otherwise.

First of all, don’t set any expectations. Women, regardless of nationality, have different preferences when it comes to men — this includes how men approach them and ask them out on a date.

In your case, to approach Russian women the right way, you will need to ask them questions that will not only pique their interest, but also make them consider listening to what you have to say. The following have proven to be effective, especially among foreign men. Some of these can be used when you’ve already established your hi’s and hello’s, or when you believe you’ve got their attention.

  1. Are you currently seeing anyone?
  2. This might be too direct, but the fact is, it’s the fastest and safest way to know if you stand a chance at getting her to go out with you. If she says she’s seeing someone, don’t give up right away. These ladies strongly admire a persistent man, and they will definitely be impressed to see if you don’t give up that easily. Most of all, they appreciate men who know what they want by getting straight to the point.

    If she says she isn’t seeing anyone, go and ask her out — that is if you’re really interested in her. Tell her that you’d like to get to know her, and of course, be sure to ask when she might be available to share a few friendly conversations with you, as well as where she would feel comfortable in doing so.

  3. Would you like to go out for some coffee?
  4. Whether it’s a date or not, spending time with someone you’d like to get to know more at a coffee shop is always an ideal option. Even if she’s not a fan of coffee, she can always order other drinks available on the menu. This setting also gives you a better opportunity to make good eye contact. Russian girls will definitely want to see how sincere you are and if there is any spark for a possible relationship, and one way of achieving this is by looking you in the eye as you have an exchange of meaningful conversations.

  5. When are you available? / When can I see you again?
  6. Not all Russian women feel comfortable when you automatically assume that your charm is enough to win them over. In asking this question, you are showing that you are considerate about their time and schedule. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that even though they’re consistently smiling at you or going along with all your cheesy pick up lines that they will immediately agree to go out with you.

    This question also works well if a Russian lady says she isn’t available anytime soon — show her that you are serious about wanting to see her again.

  7. What’s the best way to reach you?
  8. Instead of going for the usual routine of asking for her phone number, try asking this question. Not every woman you meet is into texting or calling. This is also a good way of showing that you are considering what communication method she’s most comfortable with.

    Although women in Russia like men who are direct and persistent, they are also impressed by those who take the time to consider their preferences. Asking for her number is always okay, but changing the way you ask for her contact information would also make her think about how different you are compared to all the other men who have gone through the same routine.

Considering What Russian Women Prefer

Not knowing what to expect from a Russian woman isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, being prepared for whatever she responds or says to you will prove to be more impressive than expecting a specific result. Assumptions and expectations are so much worse than not knowing how to approach a girl.

During the process of meeting women you’re interested in, try to observe their body language as well. Let it guide you as to how you should proceed with your conversations before eventually asking them out on a date. Women absolutely love it when you know how to pay attention to the things they say and do. In turn, it will make you seem like the type of man who knows what he’s doing.

In the event that the lady you prefer insists that she doesn’t fancy you, don’t be discouraged. Take it as a challenge and learn from it. As a result, you will only become more confident and knowledgeable when it comes to approaching Russian ladies. Let them see how much of a gentleman you are.

The fact that there are thousands of single women in Russia who are eager to meet and date foreign men should motivate you to keep trying until you eventually succeed in winning the heart of the woman you want to be with. Physical looks and material things have nothing against genuine and honest effort. Plus, wouldn’t you want a Russian woman to appreciate you for who you are?

When dating in Russia, always remember:

  • Be persistent.
  • Don’t easily be discouraged.
  • Take your time.
  • Do your research.
  • Show effort.

At the end of the day, Russian women will want to remember how you made them feel. They know how to value one’s time and effort, so never let rejection be a reason for you to quit. It all starts with making a good impression when you first meet these ladies, so make it count. Rejection on your first try is merely a stepping stone towards being the persistent man these ladies want you to be.

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