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Craigslist vs. Moscow Ladies - Moscow Singles Seeking Foreign Men

The advancement of technology is of great help to all the singles in the world who wish to meet their match beyond their borders. Through the internet, connecting with loved ones abroad has become more convenient. With just a few clicks away, you will be able to see and talk with your beloved virtually. Along with this, online dating companies and matchmaking agencies have come to life to channel their services to all single individuals from across the globe.

Since then, online dating and matchmaking kept on rising to a greater level of demand; making such agencies to provide high-quality services to meet single individuals’ satisfaction

Single men and women usually depend on dating applications, online dating sites, and matchmaking agencies to meet their potential match. For that reason, hundreds of dating sites flood the internet. Some sites have gained positive feedback while others don’t. So, what are these sites?

Two of the most common sites that have been used by many single individuals are Craigslist and Moscow Ladies. These two sites offer almost the same services, making singles to be confused as to which of these sites to trust.

To give you a clarification of their differences, a comparison of these two major services is made for your advantage.

What is Craigslist?

A Craigslist logo

Craigslist is an American online advertising company founded by Craig Newmark. It caters to several sections including sales, gigs, housing, jobs, and many other services. One of its most visited sections is its online personals. This is where single men and women communicate, with the purpose of dating and marriage.

Craigslist has produced a number of couples being successfully married today. As you go on on this site, you will be able to see several positive reviews. However, a lot of negative feedback are flooding the site due to its lapses. The worst thing about is, Craigslist failed to address such concerns. So making Craigslist's ratings fall at rock-bottom.

Listed below are the blunders of Craigslist:

Personals are Random

Most of the online dating sites have a hostname; meanwhile, Craiglist failed to provide one. This is a major flaw on Craigslist. Those netizens who have regularly visited the said site surely noticed this. Given the lack of a hostname, scamming and identity fraud will most likely to occur which results in putting the users’ lives at risk.

Given that there is no one who takes charge of screening and verifying the personals, they are all random. With this, security is not guaranteed. As a matter of fact, reported cases like kidnapping and sexual assaults, which involved Craigslist, have grown in number over the years.

Profiles are Not Verified

Another flaw on Craigslist is not verifying the profiles of its personals. Anyone can create a profile on the site without even having to link their other social media accounts. Due to this, faking profiles are very likely to arise since it’s so easy to get photos from the internet and formulate fake identities. On Craigslist, scamming will highly emerge.

Meetups are Not Secured

As mentioned, profiles of the personals are not verified so, it will be very dangerous for someone from this site to meet a total stranger. Being open and accessible to everyone will put every users’ security at stake. One may end up meeting a scammer, kidnapper or worse, a murderer. While many of these incidents have been reported on Craigslist, netizens have withdrawn their accounts which cause Craigslist’s downfall.

What is

Moscow Ladies is a leading platform for single foreign men from across the globe who want to meet and go out with Russian women for marriage. It is one of the most respected foreign singles’ introduction and tour services in the industry today. Apart from that, our site was founded in 1995 and at the same time, a pioneering company in the matchmaking industry these days. logo

Over the years, it has expanded and created several affiliates across the globe. Its main goal is to match beautiful, single Moscow ladies to foreign men who are, just like these women, seeking for love and marriage. Our site serves as a bridge to connect two people from different countries for intercultural marriage.

Our high-quality services include singles’ tours where the clients can meet the women personally and explore the city within the company’s scope. Singles tours give the clients time to spend with the lovely ladies and find out who among them could be their match. Some of our singles’ tour inclusions are transportation, accomodation, and clients’ meals in a prestigious hotel in the host city.

Below are the reasons why Moscow Ladies is one of the best matchmakers and marriage agencies today and why a number of foreign men prefer to use our site than Craigslist:

Presence of a Host Company

Moscow Ladies holds a specific company name with its own name in the singles’ industry. With this alone, the clients will have assurance when it comes to security and privacy. Important details about our site are provided and can be easily found in the site itself. This allows potential clients not to have second thoughts on signing up and availing our offers.

Our site also offers both group and individual tours for all the clients who would like to meet the lovely ladies. Our tours come with compiled photos and videos, which you can find on the site, to assure everyone that there’s no scamming here.

Verified Profiles and Accounts

In, you are guaranteed that all of the women’s profiles that you will see in our site are real. These women have been verified and screened beforehand for security purposes. Thus, you are highly assured that all the information provided in the personals sections are authentic and not fake. They all have undergone a thorough background check for the clients’ assurance.

Also, these women you can see in our site will be the same women you will meet during our tours. In previous years, our site has never encountered scams or questionable personals because our clients’ safety is our priority.

Meetups are Secured and Monitored

Meetups are actually among the most awaited events for our clients. Our company makes the arrangements starting off from the schedule up to all the smallest details of the tour. Everything is done to ensure a successful tour.

During the event, our staff members are always present to make sure all the clients’ safety and security. Rest assured, these staff are approachable and are ready to assist you anytime. We also have professional translators who will assist you to avoid the language barrier between you and the women.

A number of foreign men have availed our services and can attest that intercultural marriages can be successful as well. If you are earnest in meeting a potential match, why prolong? Register for free today and be the next man to find his potential bride among Russia’s finest charming ladies.

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet Moscow women on our socials. Learn how to meet women in Moscow and join us today!

Newest, beautiful, single women now added for week of Wednesday, 5 March, 2025 - Tuesday, 11 March, 2025
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